Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand - John 6:1-15

Jesus, you are the great Provider. You intercede for us and miraculously provide everything we need - you are everything we need. I confess that I am like Philip and draw conclusions without considering you – I’m sorry. Thank you for your continued kindness to me even though I don’t respond the way I should. Would you change that in me? I want to see you as I should. Amen

But he would feed you with the finest of the wheat, and with honey from the rock I would satisfy you. - Psalm 81:16

Smallness of faith is the worst sickness and surpasses all evil. If God works or promises to do anything, then let it be believed in simple faith. Just because we are powerless to accomplish anything, we should not let God be accused by our inability to understand how he will accomplish things beyond our understanding.… What is then beyond our comprehension is received by faith and not by investigation. Therefore, just as one who believes is admired, so also one who doubts is not free from blame. – Cyril of Alexandria

The power and wisdom of God should always dominate our circumsta


Jesus Walks on Water - John 6:16-21


Witnesses to Jesus - John 5:30-47