Jesus Walks on Water - John 6:16-21

Jesus, you are safety. While the storms of this life can seem terrifying, I don’t need to be afraid. When you are with me, I am at my destination. I, however, often forget the reality of our union, and I fear, or I’m anxious, or I’m unsatisfied, or I look for safety in temporary comforts like money or the things that money can buy – I’m sorry. Thank you for caring for me in the storms of life and even when I’m not trusting you as I should. Please turn me around. Change me. I want to hope in you alone. Amen

Mightier than the thunders of many waters, mightier than the waves of the sea, the Lord on high is mighty! - Psalm 93:4

Those who are not with Jesus are in a fierce tempest of a storm. They are cut off from him or at least seem to be absent from him because they have departed from his holy laws. Because of their sin they are separated from the one who is able to save. If then it is overwhelming to be in such spiritual darkness, if it is oppressive to be swamped by the bitter sea of pleasures, let us then receive Jesus. For this is what will deliver us from dangers and from death in sin. – Cyril of Alexandria

When Jesus is with us we are at our destination.


I Am the Bread of Life - John 6:22-59


Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand - John 6:1-15