I Am the Bread of Life - John 6:22-59

Jesus, you are the food we need – you are the bread that gives eternal life. You are everything I need. Jesus, I am often guilty of going after nourishment that is temporary. I often want you to prove yourself by giving me earthly things – I’m sorry. Thank you for accepting me even though I am a mess. Thank you for coming to me and revealing yourself as my only hope. Thank you for causing me to believe. Today, God, give me the bread that I need. I want to live out what I know to be true. Please remind me of your goodness and help me share the bread of life. Amen

It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man. - Psalm 118:8

Imagine Christ saying something like this: “You foolishly suppose that the manna is the bread from heaven, since it merely fed the people of Israel in the wilderness while there were countless other nations throughout the world. You suppose that God wanted to demonstrate his loving kindness so narrowly as to give food to only one people?… Let no one think,” says Christ, “that the manna was truly the bread from heaven; but one should rather choose that which is clearly able to feed and to completely give life to the whole world. – Cyril of Alexandria

A focus on how Jesus can make earthly life more comfortable misses the point of everything and is a rejection of why he came and died.


The Words of Eternal Life - John 6:60-71


Jesus Walks on Water - John 6:16-21