The Words of Eternal Life - John 6:60-71

Jesus, you have the words of eternal life. You are eternal life. You are my hope and confidence. Feeding on you and abiding in you is the answer to everything. Yet even as I know this, I also know that I long to look inside myself for some merit that I can take credit for – I’m sorry. Thank you that your love for me does not depend on my work and my goodness. Please eradicate my pride and cause me to cling to you alone. Amen

Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you. - Psalm 73:25

For we believed in order to know. Had we wanted first to know and then to believe, we could never have been able to believe. What have we believed and known? “That you are the Christ the Son of God,” that is, that you are eternal life and that in your flesh and blood you give what you are yourself. – Augustine

To embrace anything other than Jesus alone shows how we feel about human merit.  


Jesus and the Feast of Booths - John 7:1-24


I Am the Bread of Life - John 6:22-59