Jesus and the Feast of Booths - John 7:1-24

Jesus, you are the righteous one. While all those around you move from a core of pride and unbelief, your actions are right, your motives are right, your timing is right – your will is perfectly righteous. You did not come to lead through earthly power and miracles but through humility and suffering. Like your earthly brothers in this passage, I so often rework your mission to suit my worldly ideas. Unlike you, my actions are often full of pride, my motives are often full of self, and I don’t wait for your leading – I’m not righteous – I’m sorry. Thank you for saving me even though I’m weak. Please help me see the beauty of humility and service better so that I can see the gospel as I should. Amen

Good and upright is the Lord; therefore he instructs sinners in the way. He leads the humble in what is right, and teaches the humble his way. - Psalm 25:8–9

Jesus says that his teaching belongs to God the Father either because Jesus’ teaching is exactly like that of God the Father or because Jesus himself is the wisdom of the Father, through which the Father speaks and orders all things. – Cyril of Alexandria

Even in the presence of righteous perfection, hearts are closed – it’s who we are.


Can this be the Christ? - John 7:25-36


The Words of Eternal Life - John 6:60-71