Can this be the Christ? - John 7:25-36

Jesus, your teaching and your mission come directly from God the Father. You are the Christ, and you came to save your children from their sins. Your coming was in perfect harmony with all of Scripture, and you are obviously who you say you are. However, there are times when I doubt and question – I’m sorry. Thank you for being merciful to me and saving me despite my faithlessness. Please, Jesus, do what you must do so that my roots grow deeper and gain nourishment from you, the source of life itself. Amen

The Lord has made known his salvation; he has revealed his righteousness in the sight of the nations. He has remembered his steadfast love and faithfulness to the house of Israel. All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God. - Psalm 98:2–3

Now the power appears that was thought to be timidity: he spoke publicly at the feast, so much so that the multitude marveled.… They knew the fierceness with which he had been sought for. They marveled at the power by which he was not taken. …So, not fully understanding Christ’s power, they supposed that it was owing to the knowledge of the rulers that he was spared.… “Do the rulers know indeed that this is the very Christ? - Augustine

The most religious people in the world don’t necessarily know God.


Rivers of Living Water - John 7:37-52


Jesus and the Feast of Booths - John 7:1-24