Jesus Is “The Word”

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Through him all things were made. - John 1:1-3

If you’re a Christian and have encountered these verses in John 1, I’m guessing you’ve wondered about Jesus being called the Word. It’s more important than we may think

Jesus is the expression of God’s thoughts. In the creation story (Genesis 1) God creates through speaking. I’m not sure exactly what that would have sounded like or if there was an actual sound, but God didn’t just think things into existence; he spoke. Then in John chapter one we find that Jesus is that word that was in the beginning.

Jesus is THE WORD. Jesus is not a word or another word, he is THE WORD. There is exclusivity here. The expression of God’s thought (Jesus) is God – no competition or comparisons allowed. Jesus is the very mind of God. There is no Old Testament God and then a New Testament God. Jesus is the one with the Father

Right after these Verses in John 1, John says that the Word became flesh. He wanted to establish who Jesus was before he declared his coming. The One who creates life where there is none has come to create here. This is what happened when he raised Lazarus from the dead and this is what happens when he calls the sinner to believe.

The religious leaders of Jesus’ day accused him of not knowing Scripture the way they did (Matt 12:1-12). They looked to their understanding of Scripture as the ultimate authority when Scripture (The Word) stood right before them. How often do I want to find an interesting way of understanding God that will satisfy some predisposition I have when his Word is right in front of me?

The very heart and mind of God came to this dirty place to die so that we could be forgiven and united with our Creator.

Jesus, it’s almost beyond comprehension that you would come and die for us. I’m sorry for not seeing the magnitude of this the way I should. Thank you for loving me when I don’t love you as I should. Please cause me to be overwhelmed by your goodness to me.

Song: How Deep The Father’s Love

For the word of God is living and active…Hebrews 4:12


Are you weak? - Good


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