Our Greatest Need

“Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” And Jesus said to him, “Today you will be with me in paradise.” – Luke 23:42-43

While we don’t know much about the two criminals who were crucified next to Jesus or their crimes (they may have been partners in the same criminal activity), we do know that their minds were in two very different places.

The first one insulted Jesus as if he were just another poser who talked a good game but ended up a nothing. The second criminal, while he himself was dying, recognized Jesus’ righteousness and the injustice of his punishment.

The first one was defiant and angry to the end. He thought that if Jesus was who he claimed to be he would prove it by getting off the cross. The other was looking past this life and seemed to know that his next step was into eternity. He understood the most important reality was approaching quickly and he was unprepared.

The second criminal could not and did not appeal to anything good he had done. He simply looked to Jesus and asked for mercy. He had nothing to offer and he didn’t attempt to justify himself in any way. His only hope was mercy.

And Jesus didn’t look for any explanation or excuse. This second man came to Jesus empty. Now, everything was as it should be, and the criminal would be in paradise with Jesus forever.

Jesus, in his hour of deepest anguish, loved the sinner. This is who he is—loving us to the end.

Jesus, you staying on that cross meant eternal freedom for millions. You are a savior like no other. Like the first man, I often don’t see things the way I should – I’m sorry. Thank you for dying for me when I only deserve wrath. Please cause me to see your unimaginable goodness.

Song: His Mercy is More

Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. - Hebrews 4:16


Jesus Is “The Word”


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