Let’s Fight

Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called… - 1 Timothy 6:12

As a believer, we should not expect life to be easy. There will be real difficulty now that we live in a new reality that goes against much of our earthly programming. But we’re called to fight.

So, what is this fight? According to the verses that precede 1 Tim 6:12, we must fight to focus on Jesus. This is a fight to increasingly be satisfied with Jesus as the center of everything. This is a fight to trust him.

We are called to lay hold of what is already ours – Jesus and what he purchased for us on the cross. And what is that? Well, to condense a long list into two words, eternal life.

Eternal life is like being under a waterfall of God’s kindness – forever. Our sin is completely forgiven and death has no power over us. God will never leave us; He has overcome the world for us, will work every situation for our good, and will make sure we make it home. And while we’re here, he will give us what we need.

And none of this is because we earned anything. It’s all blessing. So, this is a fight to draw near to Jesus, to rest in him and resist the temptation to trust in things that will disappear.

Jesus, you are the beginning and the end and everything in between. I’m sorry that I’m distracted and often wanting the promises of this world. Thank you for loving me. Please cause me to see your beauty more clearly and persist in the fight.

Song: I Will Trust My Savior Jesus

For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. - 2 Corinthians 10:4


The Forceful Mercy of God


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