The Forceful Mercy of God

When Lot hesitated, the men grabbed his hand and the hands of his wife and two daughters because the Lord had compassion on them. They led them away and placed them outside the city. - Genesis 19:16

The story of the rescue of Lot and his family is also the story of each believer. Lot (Abraham’s nephew) loved living in the horribly sinful city of Sodom. He was at home there and for one reason or another he couldn’t bring himself to leave even though God was about to destroy the city.

So when God’s messengers came to warn Lot and give him time to leave, you would think there would be no hesitation. And it’s not that there was any reason to doubt the messengers. They had performed a miracle right in front of him (they blinded everyone who was attempting to break into Lot’s house).

Lot raised the alarm but his future sons-in-law wouldn’t leave, and now it was time to go and he hesitated - he couldn’t/wouldn’t move his feet. While he understood what was coming his ties to Sodom were overpowering and he couldn’t break free. He was “tied” to Sodom. So God’s messengers grabbed Lot, his wife, and his two daughters and led them out. And God did this because he had compassion on them.

This is a vital lesson. We are not saved because we are more intelligent or sensitive than our neighbors or better people. We believe because God had compassion on us.

I wonder if Lot ever reflected on what happened and said, “If God hadn’t grabbed me, I would have died in Sodom.”

God, you were thinking about your children before creating them. Jesus, you came to rescue them and not just make salvation possible. I’m sorry that I often think this is about me when it’s all about you. Please cause me to see the magnitude of your compassion for me.

Song: The Goodness of God

According to [God’s] great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, - 1 Peter 1:3


Jacob the Deceiver


Let’s Fight