One of You Will Betray Me - John 13:21-30

READ JOHN 13:21-30

Jesus, you are the omniscient designer of all things, even your betrayal – so that you could die and I could live. What love you have for your children. I’m sorry that I don’t receive this as I should. This should completely change everything about how I look at you and how I live and think, but I’m not there yet – I’m sorry. Thank you for adopting me as your own and caring for me. Please, Jesus, I want your sovereign love for me to impact me the way it should. Please open my heart to the magnitude of your love that I might respond in the right way. Amen

…for their feet run to evil, and they make haste to shed blood. - Proverbs 1:16

They were in doubt, although they were conscious of nothing evil in themselves. But they considered that the declaration of Christ should be believed more than their own thoughts. And so, “they looked at one another.” By singling out one, Jesus would have allayed their fear, but by adding “one of you,” he troubled them all. – Chrysostom

Why, exactly, was Jesus, the man, in deep agony? While it’s impossible to boil this down to one thing, could it be that he was in pain for Judas and what was awaiting him? 


A New Commandment - John 13:31-38


Jesus Washes the Disciples Feet - John 13:1-20