Jesus Washes the Disciples Feet - John 13:1-20

READ JOHN 13:1-20

Jesus, you are the servant and I am the one being served. The only way I can have eternal life is if you serve me, if you give yourself for me, if you care for and nurture me. I bring nothing and you give everything. Praise your name forever! I confess, this is difficult. My inclination is to try to earn your favor or work for your love or feel that the decisive action is mine – I’m sorry. Thank you for loving me to the end – how amazing. Jesus, I want to see you as I should. I want to grasp the magnitude of your love. Change me. Amen

Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin! - Psalm 51:2

Since Peter’s answer was disadvantageous for him, Jesus, who in a manner appropriate to his own goodness, prevents those things from becoming true that would prove harmful to the one who speaks them, does not permit Peter’s answer to become true. - Origen

The love of Jesus for the sinner is beyond what we can comprehend. Someday, however, we’ll feel it the way we should.


One of You Will Betray Me - John 13:21-30


Jesus Came to Save the World - John 12:44-50