Jesus Came to Save the World - John 12:44-50

READ JOHN 12:44-50

Jesus, it is incredible that you are the very conduit of God’s love to me. But you are so much more than a conduit – you are the God who loves me. You are worthy of my praise and my life. You are the reason for everything. It isn’t easy to take this all in. Not only am I small-minded, but I also resist – I’m sorry. Thank you for loving me in my weakness. Please, Jesus, shine your light and enlarge my heart for you. Amen

For with you is the fountain of life; in your light do we see light. - Psalm 36:9

Cyril of Alexandria: Since Jesus was the living and personal Word of God the Father, he is necessarily the medium of interpreting what is in the Father. Thus, by saying that he has received a commandment, Jesus means that he brings to light that which is, as it were, the set will and purpose of his own Father. – Cyril of Alexandria

Not just a wonderful, brilliant, and compassionate man. Savior of the world.


Jesus Washes the Disciples Feet - John 13:1-20


The Unbelief of the People - John 12:36-43