Our Vindication - Psalm 25

None who wait for you shall be put to shame – Psalm 25:3

Another way of thinking about this verse might be, “None who trust in God shall be put to shame.” Waiting for God doesn’t mean we’re sleeping our lives away. The one who faithfully waits actively trusts in God’s character and promises. Faithful waiting stands firm in the conviction that God loves us and will never leave us. Faithful waiting is a life full of following Him instead of the dictates of this generation. All who wait faithfully will be proven right.

There are at least two big ways we should be waiting: First, in the day-to-day realities of life, when we would like a different path or the struggle seems too big, we pray intensely and keep looking up. Second, we should all be waiting faithfully – with anticipation – for Jesus to come again.

Just as the resurrection of Jesus vindicated his trust in God, we will also be vindicated for faithfully waiting. God will never abandon his children and will always do what’s best for us, even when we don’t understand.

Faithful Father, the love you have for me will never fail. But I often fail to trust you as I am easily distracted by my pride and the worries of this life. Thank you for always doing what is best. I’m looking forward to the day when faith will be sight. Please rid me of my self-importance and create faithful waiting in me. Amen

Song: Waiting Here For You

Our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, - Philippians 3:20


Confidence In Our Foundation - Psalm 26


Taking What Is Not Ours - Psalm 24