Confidence In Our Foundation - Psalm 26

My foot stands on level ground; in the great assembly I will bless the Lord. - Psalm 26:12

The one who trusts in Jesus should not fear but be bold instead. The psalmist here praises God without hesitation because his foundation is solid, level, and unchanging. While everything around us will come to an end, God’s love and provision will be ours forever.

Our identities are tied to something; our lives stand on something—talent, occupation, wealth, children, a cause, etc. I have known a few World War II veterans who had their identities tied to their military experience. A good foundation serves as a platform of confidence because we know who we are.

Jesus was confident in who he was and the mission he was on. He stayed on the difficult path because he trusted his father (John 6:38, 8:26, 12:49-50). With the foundation of the gospel underneath us, we will become bold as we focus on the surety of our lives in Christ.

If you feel weak or insecure or just need to reset, focus on Jesus.

Strong Father, the foundation of your love is eternal and will not fade away along with everything else. While my identity should be built on your love for me, I often function as if other things are more important – I’m sorry. Thank you for being faithful when I am not. I want to be bold in my praise. Please change my focus. Amen

Song: Same God

For no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. - 1 Corinthians 3:11


Hiding Goes Against Pride - Psalm 27


Our Vindication - Psalm 25