Hiding Goes Against Pride - Psalm 27

He will hide me in his shelter in the day of trouble - Psalm 27:5

Being helpless and needing a hiding place is critical if we’re to embrace the gospel. In fact, “hiding” is one way to define the gospel. Salvation is needed because we are in trouble and the enemy is real and will devouer us. We need shelter; a hiding place.

Have you ever noticed when reading the psalms how, again and again, there is a cry for help? This seems to be the norm. Help, help, help. But this fallen world is built on self-determination, effort, and pride, not our weakness. To survive we must forge ahead and work through everything that is thrown at us.

The prideful man hides within a shelter of talents, strategies, thoughts, and attitudes and builds a disposition that protects him. We “put on” whatever works.

A biblical way to think of this “hiding” is being “in Christ.” When we savingly believe the gospel, our lifeline is moved from ourselves to Jesus, who is now our hope, protection, and confidence. And it is more than appropriate to call for help continually.

Thank you Jesus for being a shelter for the helpless. Thank you Jesus for protection that cannot fail. I’m sorry that I am often oblivious to the seriousness of the war around me. Thank you for keeping your children safe even when they are unaware of the danger. Would you please open my eyes so I can better see my need for you? Amen

Song: Hide Me Jesus

You are my hiding place and my shield; I hope in your word. - Psalm 119:114


True Reality Will Win


Confidence In Our Foundation - Psalm 26