True Reality Will Win

Because they do not regard the works of the Lord or the work of his hands, he will tear them down and build them up no more. - Psalm 28:5

The time is coming when the “prosperity” of those who ignore what is plain will be gone. This world assumes that success is the result of God-independent achievement. But this virtual reality will end.

In this promise of God’s reckoning, God’s works are separated into two works that create clear accountability; the works of the Lord and the works of his hands. The work of his hands points to the creation of the universe and everything in it. From the design and complexity of an enormous galaxy to the design and complexity of the smallest living thing; it all screams Creator.

The work of the Lord points to being made in the image of God. We know there is more to us than just the physical. We know right and wrong and justice exists.

Sadly, many reject what is plain and evident. And this rejection peaked when Jesus entered our world and made the message of sin and mercy precise. Jesus’ death for us on the cross dare not be disregarded. Someday all of the pride and sin will come to an end.  

Patient Father, you will bring all things to their appointed end at just the right time. I’m sorry for doubting your goodness and living as if this world offers hope. Thank you for winning the war two thousand years ago. Please increase my faith as I face a hostile world. Amen

…they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator… - Romans 1:25


Strong Peace


Hiding Goes Against Pride - Psalm 27