Strong Peace

The Lord gives strength to his people! The Lord blesses his people with peace! - Psalm 29:11

The One with infinite power is active and working to create strong children. And how does this strength show itself in them? Peace.

In this psalm, king David is trying to find words to describe the power of God. And so he declares God’s domination over the ocean, storms, lighting, and earthquakes. He does this to exalt God and to say that the strength of our Father should produce strength in us.

But how are we strong because our Father is strong? Our strength is confidence and satisfaction in all God is for us. Our strength is in his strength. All of God’s promises are rock-solid because Jesus’ victory has made them so. Sin has been killed and Jesus is our eternal treasure.

And why would peace be the outcome? Because we have everything we need in Christ and a Father who will see us home. We can stand on this with confidence.

Peace is a natural outcome of our salvation (see Gal 5:22) and God is the God of peace (see Rom 16:20; 2 Cor 13:11; Phil 4:7,9; 1 Thess 5:23; 2 Thess 3:16).

All powerful Father, you are beyond description. Because nothing stands in your way you will, without exception, save your children. I’m sorry for not resting in all that you are for me. Thank you for being all that I need. I want to trust you as I should. I want your peace. Amen

Song: Why This Fear (I love this song)

Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in every way. - 2 Thessalonians 3:16


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