Good Friday; Terrible and Wonderful

For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. - 2 Corinthians 5:21

Have you ever watched a massive tornado reaching down to the earth? I’ve seen two of these firsthand. The sight of this unstoppable power is simply amazing. But there is also life-threatening danger and destruction which is terrible and creates fear. Tornadoes are terrible and wonderful at the same time.

Good Friday is terrible and wonderful at the same time. This day reminds us of sin's horrendous, animalistic, hateful power as it unleashed its butchery on pure goodness – no remorse. We also, however, remember that the love of Jesus is even more powerful as evil itself was defeated when he absorbed every ounce of judgment for the sins of his children. And he was happy to do it.

When you think of God, do you think of someone who’s angry with you or someone harsh? God’s disposition toward his children is only love. He died for you because he loves you and is determined to free you from slavery and bring them home safely.

Our freedom came at an infinite cost, and we contributed nothing. Pure love.

Jesus, no words can come close to describing the depth of love you have for your children. I’m sorry for minimizing the gospel by thinking that I deserve any mercy. I can see myself in the crowd that abandoned Jesus. Thank you for dying for me. Please give me eyes to see how helpless I am and how wonderful you are. Amen

Song: How Can It Be

…who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross… - Hebrews 12:2


Easter - Everything Is True


Strong Peace