Redefining Evangelism

But you are a chosen people… that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. - 1 Peter 2:9

Salvation carries with it a praise that’s meant to be declared so that others can know why we have joy and hope. This natural overflow of Jesus from us is one way the gospel is shared. This type of evangelism should be continual.

Another example of biblical evangelism is found in John 13:35 where Jesus says, “Everyone will know that you are my disciples if you love one another.” Our love relationship with others – especially other Christians – should show the beauty of Jesus to a needy world. The beauty of God’s love for us in Jesus should make us natural evangelists.

Just think of the hundreds of opportunities we have to share our hope. Ruth Bell Graham tells the story (you can read it here) of a young man who was about to be executed during a war in Uganda. Before his death he was able to share the gospel with the men who were about to kill him. I thought maybe the story would end with the salvation of the soldiers. But they simply shot him. However, the soldiers recognized the next man in line for execution as being from a tribe they were not at war with, and they let him go. Having witnessed a Christian’s faithful death, this next man in line spent the rest of his life sharing the gospel.

The heart of evangelism is not going door-to-door or stopping people on the street (even though that can be helpful). It’s the overflow of God’s goodness to needy people.

Jesus, you are the One worthy of our praise. I confess that the fear of man has power over me – I’m sorry. Thank you for rescuing me from eternal darkness. Please overcome my fear and hesitation.

Song: This is the Gospel

Sing to the Lord, bless his name; tell of his salvation from day to day. - Psalm 96:2


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