The Best Foundation

Your steadfast love, O Lord, extends to the heavens, your faithfulness to the clouds. - Psalm 36:5

How do you comprehend a God who creates a billion galaxies that each contain a billion stars? We need to try.

Scripture is an attempt to communicate the unimaginable. For example: In an attempt to help us see what the end will look like, the book of The Revelation we find extensive imagery (dragons, beasts full of eyes, a sea of glass, streets of gold, etc.) that can make the head spin. Jesus described the kingdom of heaven as a dragnet, a treasure, a sower, a landowner, etc.

In our verse the author is trying to help us grasp God’s love – it is steadfast and never falters, bigger than the heavens. Can you imagine?

Our love is so fickle and clouded with pride and reciprocal expectations. It’s turned on and off. But understanding human love – even the good aspects – isn’t in the same ballpark as God’s love.

God’s love is so big he humbled himself so that he could be crushed under the weight of our sin so we can be reconciled to him. Our foundation is not our love for God but God’s love for us.

Loving Father, you love your children with a love that never leaves or becomes weak. My love is temperamental – I’m sorry. Thank you for loving me Jesus. Thank you for becoming human and dying for me. Please open my heart and mind so I can love like you love. Amen

Song: My Worth Is Not In What I Own (please listen)

God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. - Romans 5:8


More Than Empathy


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