More Than Empathy

He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree. - 1 Peter 2:24


Stories or videos like this one connect with us at a deep level. One person in a desperate situation and another who cares. Solidarity, sacrifice, empathy. In this video the barber didn’t hesitate, and the woman felt the gesture.

Jesus is like this toward us but with a couple of BIG differences. First, Jesus’ act of cosmic solidarity was more than empathy. He came to actually take our “cancer” upon himself. He came to become our sin so we could live. He came to die in the place of all who are terminal.

Second, we are not attractive victims that undeservedly have cancer. We are active sinners (Ecc 7:20; Lk 11:13; Rom 3:9, 3:23). We are not essentially good. Just look at human history and all of the wrong – at every level (including you and me) – that define who we are.

In the end, the barber can’t do anything about this lady’s cancer. His action is great but the battle is still hers. In Christ, our battle is his.

Loving Father, you are the One who takes our sin. You are the One who frees the captives. I’m sorry for thinking hope exists without you. Thank you for doing for me what I cannot do. Please open my eyes to your love. I want to love like you do. Amen

Song: Hold On To Me

Since therefore the children share in flesh and blood, he himself likewise partook of the same things, that through death he might destroy the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil, - Hebrews 2:14


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