The Gospel in the Psalms

The eye of the Lord is on those who hope in his steadfast love. - Psalm 33:18

For the sinner – you and me – God’s love is our only hope now and forever.

This promise is one that clearly looks to the gospel. Two things:

First, the Hebrew word “hope” in the ESV can also be translated as wait for, fear, depend on, and trust or faith.

Second, the psalmist trusts in the Lord‘s steadfast love. So, what is this love that we trust in? This is God’s action that brings salvation to the helpless - the sinner is forgiven and we are climed by God. God’s love is the gospel.

So, looking at this verse through the lens of the New Testament, Psalm 33:18 might be, The eye of the Lord is on those who trust in Jesus.

All those who turn away from their own “goodness” and trust in Jesus are seen by God.

Loving Father, you are kind and merciful toward those who trust in you. Often my hope depends on foolish earthly achievement and not on your goodness – I’m sorry. Thank you for seeing me in my helplessness and moving toward me. Please open my eyes to the glory of your love. Please make me see the gospel as my only hope. Amen

Song: Is He Worthy

But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved— - Ephesians 2:4–5


Hope in Suffering


Learning From God