The Plot to Kill Jesus - John 11:45-57

READ JOHN 11:45-57

Jesus, you are the one who, through your death and resurrection, destroys ethnic centricity and pride, and unites believers, no matter what their culture would dictate. You are the great threat to a humanity that wants to center itself on itself. I, however, often buy into the trappings of this world and move toward an earthly identity when my identity is in you. I’m sorry. Thank you for saving us from the terrible trap of finding our core meaning in ethnicity, culture, or religiosity. Please free me from the wrong loyalties that take me away from you. Amen

All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the Lord, and all the families of the nations shall worship before you. - Psalm 22:27

None of them said, “Let us believe.” For these abandoned men were more preoccupied in considering what evil they could do to bring down Jesus than in consulting about how they might be preserved from death. – Augustine

God’s love and saving power not only produces salvation, it brings out the hatred and deadness of mankind.


Mary Anoints Jesus at Bethany - John 12:1-11


Jesus Raises Lazarus - John 11:38-44