Mary Anoints Jesus at Bethany - John 12:1-11

READ JOHN 12:1-11

Jesus, you are more valuable than anything I have. You are worth everything. But I don’t always live that way. My life’s priorities are often compromised. My love for you is not as open as it should be – I’m sorry. Thank you for loving me when I don’t seem to love you. YOUR LOVE IS AMAZING. Please, Jesus, I want to love you as I should. I know the answer to this is not self-determination. You must work in me. I want the fragrance of my worship to fill my house. Please work in me. Show me the gospel in ways I have never known. I want my ambitions and pride, and ego to vanish in the light of your love. Amen

See the humility of this holy woman. She does not anoint his head but his feet. …For “those who are humble,” as it is written, “will be exalted, and those who are exalted will be humbled. “… And she wipes his feet not with a towel but with her hair so that she might exhibit even greater service to the Lord.… Allegorically, the woman was anticipating the figure of the church who truly in the fullness of faith brings its devotion to Christ. And this he freely receives as a very precious perfume. - Chromatius of Aquileia

Now they wanted to kill Lazarus too. One way to war against Jesus is to eliminate his witnesses. But that won’t do it because it’s Jesus himself who saves.


The Triumphal Entry - John 12:12-19


The Plot to Kill Jesus - John 11:45-57