The Time to Die Has Come - John 12:20-26

READ JOHN 12:20-26

Jesus, your death was what it took to bear fruit – unimaginable. You, the perfect One, becoming sin so that we know who you are – I can hardly take this in. There is nothing more glorious than you! But, I don’t feel this as I should. Your death for me doesn’t dominate my life the way it should – I’m sorry. Thank you for dying for someone like me who can’t see you as I should. But, I do want to follow. I want to be like you. Change me, please. Amen

Therefore I will divide him a portion with the many, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong, because he poured out his soul to death and was numbered with the transgressors; yet he bore the sin of many, and makes intercession for the transgressors. - Isaiah 53:12

This is the same way you should think about me. Now I am alone, and just one more man among obscure people without any glory. But when I undergo the passion of the cross, I will be raised in great honor. And when I produce much fruit then everyone will know me—not only the Jews but also the people of the entire world will call me their Lord. Then, not even the spiritual powers will refuse to worship me. – Theodore of Mopsuestia

Farmers are willingly throw seeds to the ground because of the beautiful and joyful harvest to come. Yet, more often than not, I hold on to my life here as if this is as good as it gets.


The Son of Man Must be Lifted Up - John 12:27-36


The Triumphal Entry - John 12:12-19