The Word Became Flesh - John 1:1-18

A – Jesus, you are God's communication to us. You are the Word without beginning or end. You are the light that brings us the glory of God. And your light is warm and loving and invites everyone to come. And you are the grace of God to us; you did not leave us in our hopelessness, you came to us with grace and truth even while we could not, and would not, come to you.

C – Father, I know that, on my own, I will not run to the light and worship you. On my own I would rather live in darkness and align with this fallen world. I, so easily, look for light and hope in this world – I'm sorry.

T – Thank you for coming into my broken and hate-filled world and finding me. Thank you for making me your child and caring for me.

S – Jesus, you are the life I need and the light I need. I want to live in your light. I want to receive you fully. I want to trust you fully. Please work this in me. Amen

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. - Psalm 119:105

I will not endure to hear that Christ was born of Mary unless I also hear, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God – Hilary of Poitiers

If God would only show himself… He has and we are predisposed to reject him.


The Testimony of John the Baptist - John 1:19-34


Why Pray The Bible