The Testimony of John the Baptist - John 1:19-34

A) Jesus, no one has ever or will ever compare to you. You are the Lamb of God who came to die in my place so that I could live. You are the Messiah – the chosen one who came to deliver me from slavery. You are the One who deserves all the attention. Only you can baptize with the Holy Spirit and no one deserves the honor of untying your sandals.

C) Jesus, unlike John who lived to point others to you, I often want to draw attention to myself. I want to share the spotlight when only you are worthy of worship – I’m sorry.

T) Thank you for loving me even though I struggle with pride and ego. Thank you that your work is what matters and not my work.

S) Please, open my eyes to your magnificence. I want to focus on you and not me. I want to be like John the Baptist – bold in proclaiming the gospel and not interested in promoting myself. I want to live to always be pointing to you, not me. Amen

The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your brothers—it is to him you shall listen.— Deuteronomy 18:15

What else is anyone doing who is preaching the true faith and good works but preparing the way for the Lord to come to his hearers’ hearts so that the power of grace may enter them and the light of truth pervade them. – Gregory the Great

Knowing Jesus should create the humility of John the Baptist in us


Jesus Calls His First Disciples - John 1:35-51


The Word Became Flesh - John 1:1-18