Jesus Calls His First Disciples - John 1:35-51

A – You are the one who sees us and knows everything about us. You are not only the Son of God and the King, you are the only way to connect a holy God and sinful people. Who you are and what you've done is so much more than I can grasp. You are my only hope of salvation.

C – I confess, I don't live in this beautiful reality as I should. You are the answer to everything, and I often run to other things. I easily find my hope in the enticements of this world or in my merit – I'm sorry.

T – Thank you for loving me even though you know who I am. I don't love you as I should. Thank you for calling me and keeping me even though I'm a rebel.

S – Please, today, work in me so that I see more. I want to see you as I should. Open my heart to who you are for me. Amen

O Lord, you have searched me and known me! You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from afar. - Psalm 139:1–2

In his divine foreknowledge Jesus saw Nathanael under the fig tree, which elsewhere in Scripture is connected with a curse, as in Eden when Adam and Eve sewed fig leaves (Ambrose). Jesus was calling Nathanael and all of us to come out from under the fig tree, out from under the curse to the one who cleanses from all sin. – Augustine


Jesus Cleanses the Temple - John 2:13-22


The Testimony of John the Baptist - John 1:19-34