What is your generation? - Psalm 14

God is with the generation of the righteous. – Psalm 14:6

What is your generation? Gen Z, Gen X, Gen Y, Boomer? There are different ways to define a generation. I usually think of it as 20-30 years. But that’s far from all there is. Another definition is “a people within a population who experience the same significant events within a given period of time” (Wikipedia).

In this Psalm, after David looks around, he says, “There is none who does good, not even one. (14:3)”. Then he says that those who embrace evil are afraid because God is with “the generation of the righteous.”

David was looking forward to a time when a group of people would be caught up in a time when righteousness would reign (Gen 3:15; Deut 18:15; Is 11:1; Zech 9:9). This generation arrived with Jesus. With him came true righteousness for anyone who would trust him. On the cross, he substituted his goodness for our failure and ushered in a new generation. The thing is, this generation will last forever. If you are trusting in Jesus instead of yourself, you are part of the generation of the righteous – and God is with us.

Righteous Jesus, you are the virtue I need, and you are creating a generation of the righteous. I’m sorry for thinking that my goodness counts as good enough. Thank you for pursuing me and giving me hope. Please take away any self-reliance and teach me to trust you. Amen

  Song: My Righteousness

And because of him you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption. - 1 Corinthians 1:30


Becoming Immovable - Psalm 15


Four Reason to Pray Scripture