Becoming Immovable - Psalm 15

He who does these things shall never be moved. – Psalm 15:5

Have you ever noticed that the Bible keeps telling us to do things that we can’t do? For this promise to be true, we need to understand “these things” – the requirements that lead to the promise of immovability. To summarize, we need a blameless life – having a pure heart and always doing what is right.

Psalm 15 is only fifteen verses long (please read it) and starts with a general description of what it takes to live with God. Then, in case we need clarity, David lists examples. Here are only three of many: no slander, no harm to others, and no insulting a neighbor. Well, I’m out. I guess this promise of a rock-solid life isn’t for me.

Or maybe this promise was given so I might cling to the One who already fulfilled the terms for me. One of the foundational realities for the Christian is found in 2 Cor 1:20, “For all the promises of God find their Yes in Jesus.” My goodness will never give me the deep roots that create stability. Only Jesus qualifies. Psalm 15 is not about me; it’s about Him.

I can experience immovability by, through faith, being united with Jesus. 

Jesus, everything God has for me is only because of you. I’m sorry that, in my pride, I try to claim divine promises on my own. I can’t meet the requirements. Thank you for being pure in heart for me. Please make me look to you instead of myself. Amen

Song: The Promise

You know that he appeared in order to take away sins, and in him there is no sin. - 1 John 3:5


Our Right Hand is the Key - Psalm 16


What is your generation? - Psalm 14