Where Are You? - Psalm 13

My heart shall rejoice in your salvation. – Psalm 13:5

In this Psalm David is in deep anguish and questioning everything. Perhaps this is because he raped Bathsheba, murdered her husband, and has now been found out (see 2 Samuel 11-12). David is empty, and God seems nowhere to be found. Have you ever been in a situation of despair and you’re questioning God?

It’s in times like these that I’m tempted to give God an ultimatum like, “Come through for me now in the way I’ve determined is best or…” Or maybe it’s more like, “I’ve tried to be faithful to  you, and now you are not here for me.” Or maybe I just demand an explanation so I can judge whether that’s acceptable. In my pride I’m threatening God and questioning his goodness. When I should be broken before God I’m asserting myself.

As David came to his senses, he realized that God has always been merciful to him and he needs to trust him in the struggle. Have you ever been in a situation that is about to break you? Rather than asserting yourself, it’s probably time to get on your knees, confess sin, and know that if Jesus came to die for you, you will again rejoice in your salvation.

Caring Father, you are constantly moving your children forward, even though it doesn’t always feel that way. I am frail, and my faith often wavers – I’m sorry. Thank you for giving me exactly what I need even though I resist. Please increase my faith. I want to trust you in difficulty. Amen

Song: Blessed Be Your Name

If we are faithless, he remains faithful— for he cannot deny himself. - 2 Timothy 2:13


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