Truth vs Culture

You, O Lord, will guard us from this generation forever. - Psalm 12:7

The pressure society exerts on us is beyond measure. Culture presses and presses on us until we blend in. I recently watched a television program where various metalworkers made knives from Damascus steel. Damascus steel is made when steel with different characteristics is heated and pressed together until one new blended piece of metal emerges. From birth to death, culture presses until we agree.

In Psalm 12 David is feeling isolated because everyone around him has been pressed into the dominant and godless culture. In this environment God promises to guard. But how? How will God’s children stand in the face of godlessness? David has the answer to that in the previous verse – The words of the Lord are pure words, like silver refined in a furnace on the ground, purified seven times (Psalm 12:6). God’s word, Scripture, is the key.

The Bible gives us the truth of our condition and the surety of salvation in Jesus. As we continually feed our souls, are we consuming the truth or simply being pressed into unbelief?

Jesus, you are the Living Word. You are God’s communication to us. I am influenced too much by the messaging of this world. I’m often captured by earthly logic that only leads to death. I’m sorry. Thank you for your guarding the hearts of your children. Please renew my passion for your word. Amen  

Song: How Firm a Foundation

Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God. - Matth


Where Are You? - Psalm 13


Seeing the Unseeable - Psalm 11