Your Sorrow Will Turn Into Joy - John 16:16-24

READ JOHN 16:16-24

Jesus, in this dying world you give us beautiful hope. You are so good to your children. I confess that sometimes I lose sight of the truth. Sometimes my actions and thoughts show that I doubt presence and faithfulness – I’m sorry. Thank you for holding on to me when I don’t hold on to you. Thank you for the promise of your complete victory. Please, Jesus, I want to know joy now because of what’s coming later. Open my soul for the hope that can only be found in you.

Those who sow in tears shall reap with shouts of joy! - Psalm 126:5

If we rejoice with the world, it is to be feared that we shall also mourn with the world. But let us mourn while the world rejoices, and we shall afterward rejoice when the world mourns. – Tertullian

Our time of struggle now compared to what’s next is like a speck of dust as compared to the mass of the universe.


I Have Overcome the World - John 16:25-33


The Work of the Holy Spirit - John 16:1-15