I Have Overcome the World - John 16:25-33

READ JOHN 16:25-33

Jesus, you are the great overcomer. Your death overcomes every obstacle and secures salvation and victory for your children. I confess, however, I don’t always believe this as I stuggle here. While my life is secure in your love, I often live as if it’s not. I am not as strong as I should be. I’m sorry. Thank you that my salvation does not hinge on what I can do for you but on what you have done for me. Would you please show me the strength and finality of your victory? Please, work in me deeper faith. Amen

Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all. - Psalm 34:19

God is not born from God after the manner of human birth. His is a coming forth from, rather than a birth from God. He is one from one. He is not a portion, not a defection, not a diminution, not a derivation, not a pretension, not a passion. He is the birth of living nature from living nature. He is God coming forth from God, not a creature appointed to the name of God. He did not begin to be from nothing, but he came forth from a nature that has always existed. To come forth has the signification of birth, not of beginning. – Hilary of Poitiers

If we could but live in the reality of Jesus’ victory over sin, everything would be different here and now.


The High Priestly Prayer - John 17:1-26


Your Sorrow Will Turn Into Joy - John 16:16-24