Bigger Than Our Mind - Psalm

When I look at your heavens, what is man that you are mindful of him? – see Psalm 8:3-4

There is a promise or truth in Psalm 8 that is simply staggering and can be too big to grasp. God, the creater of all that exists (think of the size and scope of the universe), cares about humanity – about you.

Have you ever watched a video that tries to help us visualize the immensity of it all? I was watching one the other day - one hundred billion galaxies, each holding one hundred billion stars! And stars that make our sun look tiny! We can’t conceive of things that size.

Some respond to this by rejecting God. I heard an atheist say once, “! can’t believe that I have any significance when I am so small.” His starting point was self and the need to be exalted in order for God to exist. The biblical approach is to start with God. God is unimaginably big and holy and omniscient and sovereign. Even though we can’t fully grasp this, God is infinitely bigger than we can imagine.

Rather than arrogantly starting with self, The psalmist begins with God and is stunned that God would know us. And God wants us to know him and experience everything he is for us, like peace and being forgiven. The unknowable has made himself known in Jesus.

Creator God, you are the creator and sustainer of everything. And I am full of myself – I’m sorry. Thank you for coming to me in Jesus so I can be forgiven and know you. Please move my focus away from self and onto Jesus. Amen

Song: God of Wonders

All things were made through [Jesus], and without him was not any thing made that was made. - John 1:3


Seeking God When I Don’t Seek God - Psalm 9


Both Shield and Savior - Psalm 7