Seeking God When I Don’t Seek God - Psalm 9

For you, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek you. - Psalm 9:10

Many of the promises we find in Scripture, like this one, can create a dilemma for us. The Apostle Paul would say no one seeks God (Rom 3:11). So God will never forsake those who seek him, but no one seeks him. Where’s the hope here?

Paul is not saying this promise is false, but the truth that confronts our pride and goes against who we are is we are too compromised even to seek God the way we should. Sin has tarnished every motive and effort, and if left to ourselves, we will always look inward and think we are godly because of our seeking. The foundation we stand on is broken and self-centered.

When Jesus ushered in the new covenant, he came as not only the One who saves but also the One who turns our hearts toward God. As the Old Testament prophet Ezekiel looked forward to this, he heard God saying, “A new spirit I will put within them. I will remove the heart of stone from their flesh and give them a heart of flesh (Ezek 11:19).” (Also see 1 Sam 10:9; Prov 29:9; Jer 24:7)

God’s saving is one-way and not a joint effort. Our rescue, from beginning to end, is pure grace.

God, you are the One who saves the helpless. I often see myself as virtuous in coming to you – I’m sorry. Thank you for seeking me so that I could seek you. Please defeat the pride in my life. Amen

Song: Turn Your Eyes  

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. - Psalm 51:10


Just Fix It - Psalm 10


Bigger Than Our Mind - Psalm