Just Fix It - Psalm 10

You will strengthen the heart of the afflicted. – Psalm 10:17

Lately, I’ve been drawn to thinking of myself as a two-year-old. A two-year-old is often short-sighted and doesn’t care about the more essential issues Mom and Dad are considering. Whether it’s loading up on candy before dinner or not sharing toys, they just want what they want.

I, too, am often short-sighted in challenging situations. I’m more interested in a quick fix than a strong and faithful heart. My goals are often not God’s goals.

When the soul of a sinner believes the gospel, we are declared righteous (positional sanctification) because Jesus, the righteous One, is our substitute. Also, the Holy Spirit starts maturing us, changing how we think and act (experiential sanctification). God’s priority is children with strong hearts that trust him in everything. While this is not always easy, God is helping us become who we should be.

I’m so glad Jesus wasn’t short-sighted as he approached the cross. Instead, he loved us to the end. 

Kind Father, you have my good in mind when you allow difficulty. I’m sorry for being like a two-year-old when I should be simply trusting you. Thank you for caring about me even when I resist. Please open my eyes to my deeper needs and your dependability in the struggle. Amen

Song: Nearer My God to Thee

It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. - Galatians 2:20


Seeing the Unseeable - Psalm 11


Seeking God When I Don’t Seek God - Psalm 9