Both Shield and Savior - Psalm 7

My shield is with God, who saves the upright in heart. - Psalm 7:10

Along with the promise of salvation, David is also trusting God to be his shield. So, the picture here is a battlefield where a real enemy is attacking. But in this warzone, God is active, and the outcome is sure.

When I face soul-wrenching struggles, it’s easy to question the promise of victory. I have a self-defined vision of what my battle should look like – minor pain with a quick and easy victory. And if that’s not how it happens, I can start to question God. Yet I should know better. Psalm 7:10 shows a war where bullets and hand grenades are flying, and landmines are exploding.

I don’t always do well in the middle of the battle but, praise God, Jesus didn’t flinch. He is our shield, and salvation. I will live through the war because he has already defeated the enemy. His victory has secured mine. As Thomas Brooks said, “The safety and security of the child lies not so much in the child’s hanging about the mother’s neck as in the mother’s holding it fast in her arms.”

Being found in Christ gives me the upright heart I need for victory.  

Protecting Father, you love me more than I can know. I know that you protect and save all who look away from self and hope in Jesus. I’m sorry for doubting you. Thank you that you will see me through the battle. I want to trust you completely. Please change me. Amen

 Song: He Will Hold Me Fast

God will be with you in your struggle and he will make sure that you survive and are saved (see 1 Cor 10:13)


Bigger Than Our Mind - Psalm


God Hears His Children - Psalm 6