Humility Required

The Lord preserves the faithful but abundantly repays the one who acts in pride. - Psalm 31:23

Those who are faithful are those who, in their souls, are connected to the humble of Jesus. The promise here is that pride and judgment go hand-in-hand.

Pride seems to be welded to the human heart. It shows itself in the way we act and in the way we think. We struggle to look away from self and bow, in complete dependence, before God.

One way to spot pride is by knowing how we should think but don’t. When Jesus teaches his disciples how to pray, he starts with, “Hallowed be your name.” Above everything else in the universe, the most important thing is that God is lifted up and seen as holy. So, does this desire preoccupy my thoughts? Certainly not like it should.

So, here are two things we can do: First: know that Jesus is our humility. Jesus humbled himself and became our sin for us. His humility is our humility.

Second, we can gain humility by focusing on the gospel and all that Jesus did for us. In the gospel, we can understand who we were and are, and we can know God’s great love for us.

Jesus, you have covered all the sins of your children. Even the deepest. I confess, I can’t eliminate pride from my life – I’m sorry. Thank you for taking my pride to the cross. Please, please, change my heart. I want to lift you up – hallowed be your name. Amen

Song: Revelation Song

Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing! - Revelation 5:12


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