The Morning Will Bring Joy

Weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning. - Psalm 30:5

This promise of joy in the morning makes me think of Jesus’ disciples right after the crucifixion. I can only imagine the thoughts and emotions of persecution and personal failure and regret. There must have lots of fear and crying. And then the morning with the joy and wonder of, “Jesus is alive!”.

I also think of Jesus himself as he willingly faced pain and abandonment we will never know; sweating blood. But then the joy of victory over death and the joy his children’s everlasting joy.

This is also life for us. Today, in faith, we struggle while looking forward to the day of full joy. The weeping can be intense but the joy will be unimaginable.

Even though the struggle now is real we do need to remember that Jesus will never leave us and God is working all things for our good (Rom 8:25). And eternity will be even better because we’ll be with Jesus as we explore the infinite wonder of God’s love.

Jesus, you are the good news. You are living water and the One who will make everything right. I’m sorry for putting my faith in the priorities and structures of this world as if there is hope there. Thank you for bearing my sin so I can be forgiven. Please change my heart. I want to trust you in the difficulties. Amen

Song: O Praise His Name

 You have sorrow now, but I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you. - John 16:22


Humility Required


Easter - Everything Is True