The Wedding at Canna - John 2:1-12

Jesus, the purity we need is not found in keeping rules or anything we can do; it is only found in you and what you have done for us. You are the best wine. I often, however, think that my effort is needed. Forgive me for my pride. Thank you for being the purification I need. I want to live in the work you have done. I want to look only to you. Please do what you must to help me look to you. Amen

Blessed be his glorious name forever; may the whole earth be filled with his glory! Amen and Amen! - Psalm 72:19

…in the case of these jars, they were for the purification of the Jews, and our Lord poured his instruction into them, to teach that he came in the way [found in] the Law and the Prophets, and he transformed everything by his teaching, just as wine [was made] from water. – Ephrem the Syrian


Jesus Cleanses the Temple - John 2:13-22


Jesus Calls His First Disciples - John 1:35-51