The Woman Caught in Adultery - John 8:1-11

Jesus, you came to rescue the drowning; you came to save the lost; you came to show your love for the sinner; you came as mercy. Like the hypocrites in this passage, I, a sinner, often judge others. But you are the judge, not me – I’m sorry. Thank you for your continual and undeserved mercy. I want to be aligned with your heart and mission. Please make me see the helplessness of those around me and change my heart. I don’t want to judge others. I want to focus on the gospel. Amen

For you, O Lord, are good and forgiving, abounding in steadfast love to all who call upon you. - Psalm 86:5

If he determined that she was to be stoned, they would scoff at him inasmuch as he had forgotten the mercy that he was always teaching. If he prohibited the stoning, they would gnash their teeth at him, and, as they saw it, rightly condemn him as a doer of wicked deeds contrary to the law. But it was beyond the ability of earthly stupidity to find out what he would say and from heavenly wisdom to fail [to know] what he would answer. Far be it from blind wickedness to stand in the way of the “Sun of justice” to keep him from giving light to the world. – Bede

If we’re not careful, we can picture ourselves as like Jesus in this passage when in truth, we’re more like the religious leaders.


I Am the Light of the World - John 8:12-30


Rivers of Living Water - John 7:37-52