What is the gospel?

While the gospel is the pinnacle of God showing himself to humanity and can be explored in magnificent depth forever, it is not beyond simplicity. So, here is my imperfect explanation.

What is the gospel?

In its simplest form, the gospel is the good news that Jesus saves people from their sin (Matt 1:21; Acts 4:12). The gospel is the power of God to save sinners (Rom 1:16). The gospel is a declaration of what Jesus has done. Strictly speaking it is not an invitation but rather the truth of how God has shown his love for the sinner.

The gospel IS NOT, a self-improvement manual. It is not a path of works that, if followed, leads to God or salvation or eternal life. It IS NOT a way to earthly riches or long life – it is infinitely bigger than that. Because of God’s love for the sinner, the gospel is the means of eternal rescue for the lost. Following Jesus is not the gospel. Jesus is the gospel. Is your soul in danger? Come to Jesus.

How exactly do I come to Jesus?

The Bible tells us that belief or faith or trust is the key. So, how do you move from unbelief to belief? By hearing the gospel:

Faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ. - Romans 10:17

You don’t decide to believe (you can’t believe what you don’t believe). As you hear the word belief happens.

When your soul, in humility, believes the gospel (John 1:12; 3:16, 18, 36; Acts 16:31), you are united to Jesus and he steps in as your substitute before God. When you bow your head and trust Jesus, he becomes your champion. You are declared righteous because Jesus is your righteousness. He absorbed the consequences of your sin on the cross so you can be forgiven. Jesus’ victory was finalized when he rose from the dead; his victory is your victory.

For by God’s kindness you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. - Ephesians 2:8–9

We bring nothing to our rescue except knowledge of our need for rescue; there is no way you can earn God’s favor. If you think you need to clean up your life before coming to Jesus, you are trying to earn God’s favor. If you think you have an advantage because you’re talented, moral, or successful, you remain self-reliant. God saves the sinner, not the self-righteous. Pride in your goodness or achievement pushes faith in Jesus away because your faith is in yourself. Salvation is not, I do my part and Jesus does his part. It is one-way love.

So, what exactly do I need to be saved from?

To put it in short form, you need to be saved from the holiness of God. God, who is purely good, cannot deny his goodness and embrace those who sin against him. It’s like asking the sun not to burn up a rocket we might send there. God hates sin. On the other hand, God’s primary attribute is love. So the real question is, how can the holy God accept a sinner? How can the holy God embrace me? And this is why the gospel is the best news ever. At great cost, Jesus came into this world to be our substitute and take our place before God. How? He became human and entered this sinful world. He lived the life we should have (no sin); he took on our sin and was butchered on a criminal’s cross and judged by God; he displayed his victory over death by rising from the dead. Jesus is the One who brings the sinner home.  

For God has not destined [his children] for wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, - 1 Thessalonians 5:9

The good news of Jesus is the best news imaginable. Trust him.


Jesus Promises the Holy Spirit - John 14:15-30


I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life - John 14:1-14